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Speakhabla October 2020 Newsletter

Speakhabla October 2020 Newsletter 1

Hola a todos!

Es un gusto a enviarles nuestro primer comunicado,  mi nombre es Summer y soy la directora de Speakhabla.

Como directora y profesora quiero animarlos y animarlas a seguir estudiando para lograr su meta de ser exitosos y exitosas en inglés.

El propósito de este comunicado es mantenerlos y mantenerlas al tanto, darles otra manera para practicar su inglés y unirnos como comunidad de Speakhabla.

De ahora en adelante este comunicado será en inglés e incluirá:
– Spotlights de profesores, estudiantes y clientes.
– Frase del mes
– Diversión con dichos
– Frase verbal del mes
– Vocabulario nuevo

Si les gustaría ver algo en un futuro comunicado o tienen algo que quieran compartir les agradezco que me lo comuniquen.

Recuerden que estos comunicados son para ustedes y es un canal para seguir ayudándonos entre todos.


Summer Adolph
Speakhabla Operations Manager

Star Students Spotlight - Student Success

CONGRATULATIONS to our students at FIFCO who have celebrated moving to the next level in English!

The following students received certificates:


  • Alexander Herrera Molina
  • Alberto Corrales 


  • Moises Haug 
  • Erick Céspedes Vargas
  • Geovanna María Alvarez Chavarria
  • Gustavo Adolfo Rivera Ramirez
  • Jessica Hernandez Carvajal


  • Luis Quesada Vargas
Speakhabla October 2020 Newsletter 2

5 Productive Things a Business Owner can do during COVID-19 isolation

At first, I was afraid, I was petrified….kept thinking how would my small business ever survive? The initial fear of COVID – 19 was overwhelming. Our lives were changing very quickly. We could no longer do business the same way we had been. Our business environment had changed and our reality shifted. I had many burning unanswered questions rolling around in my mind. Will I lose clients? Will I have to lay off employees? Do I have to change my business model? All of these unanswered questions rolling around in my head. It was dizzying. After a few days, I meditated on it. I made some decisions and took back control of my reality.

Here are some of the things I did to be productive during a world pandemic.

Teacher Spotlight - Classroom Spotlight: Amy Martinez

Speakhabla October 2020 Newsletter 31. What do you enjoy most about teaching?

What I enjoy the most about teaching is that I get to help people first hand. Teaching was never my plan, but once I started, I realized what I was missing out on! My students are definitely my favorite part about teaching. I value the relationships I build with them but also that they are able to feel more confident in themselves.

2. What have your students taught you?

Discipline. It is not easy to learn a language! Let alone do that along with working more than 40 hours a week and for many of them raising a family, keeping up with hobbies, friends, and life in general. I have learned from their examples that you can really do anything you set your mind to, but it takes discipline. I really admire that about my students, they are all very hard working.

3. Do you have any memorable classroom experience you’d like to share?

I wouldn’t say there is anything in particular, but it is always a memorable moment when your students express that they enjoy class and are learning. That’s all I really want for them, is to enjoy themselves because learning should be enjoyable! They work hard all day, so I wouldn’t want them to feel like coming to English class is just another thing to check off the list.

4. If there is one thing you’d like your students to learn from you what would it be?

Patience. Sometimes we are very hard on ourselves because things don’t turn out the way we would like. Patience with yourself is key to learning a new skill, especially in language learning. It’s okay to make mistakes! We learn from them.

5. What do you enjoy most about Costa Rica?

What I love most about Costa Rica is definitely Ticos! They are some of the kindest people I have ever met. They are eager to show you about their country and culture and are so inclusive, which is very important when you move to another country! So many of my favorite experiences have been with the wonderful Ticos I have met here.

social responsibility
casa nirvana logo

Animals Matter to Us - Speakhabla Cares

During COVID, Speakhabla has been sponsoring 12 dogs and 6 cats.  Things were difficult for dogs and cats in Costa Rica before this pandemic and now they are even more difficult. Animals are being abandoned at an accelerated rate because their owners cannot afford to feed them. This month we are sponsoring 4 more dogs – Tequila, Blackie, Freya, Lucy, Our goal is to make them healthy and happy and to find them a forever home.

We work with Casa Nirvana Animal Rescue and we want to encourage our clients and the companies we work with to conduct their CSR activities with US. Whether it’s a collection run for old blankets, newspapers, old furniture – to donate or to volunteer time to complete a project at a shelter or simply spending time with the dogs and cats that are under our foster care. We also want to help conduct awareness programs in offices and counsel people on how to handle animals, especially those in distress. We also encourage companies who’d like to donate funds to be part of the activity, rescue or event they are donating towards.

Speakhabla also maintains a Facebook Page called “Costa Rica Dog Lovers Uncensored”. Please join our community and help us to save and improve the lives of dogs and cats in Costa Rica.

If you would like to help us sponsor a dog or cat please contact Andrea at info@speakhabla.com

English Quote of the Month

English Quote of the Month

Cool Slang Words

There are so many cool words in the English language. Many cool words begin as slang and then eventually make their way into our dictionaries. A new word added to the English dictionary this year is click bait.

Click bait

This is online content of provocative or sensational nature, whose only purpose is to attract more visitors to a particular website.

  • My favorite news website started posting all kinds of click bait on its Facebook pages, so I no longer consider it a useful resource.
  • To fully understand this phrase – it helps if you understand what the word bait means as well. 

Phrasal Verb of the Month

FALLING APART: To break into pieces

My poor old boots are falling apart.


More examples

  • He bought some cheap shoes that fell apart after a couple of months.
  • My jacket is so old it’s falling apart.
  • I picked up the book and it fell apart in my hands.
  • My old coat is falling apart at the seams.
  • I really have to replace this bag – it’s falling apart
Working from Home During Covid

Working from Home During COVID-19

BLP Legal wrote a great Blog answering a lot of our questions.
Speakhabla October 2020 Newsletter 4

Clases de inglés en línea 2x1

Clases virtuales en línea durante la cuarentena. Toma clases con un miembro de la familia, compañero de trabajo, mejor amigo o pareja.
Working from Home During Covid

¿Sabe cuál es su nivel de inglés?

Realiza nuestra prueba de ubicación en línea gratis y descubre qué nivel tienes de acuerdo al Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas: A1-A2-B1-B2-C1-C2.

Contraseña: t3stsp3@k

Working from Home During Covid

Taller: herramientas de comunicación

OBJETIVO: Entender cómo aplicar herramientas para una comunicación más fluida y exitosa, cómo hablar y manejar argumentos en contra en reuniones virtuales.

Este taller se especializa en ayudarlo a usted o a sus empleados a mejorar su comunicación profesional en inglés para lograr comunicaciones empresariales exitosas. Si desea comunicarse con empleados, socios o clientes, una mejor comunicación en inglés puede ayudarle a alcanzar sus objetivos profesionales y lingüísticos.

Este taller se  enfoca en proporcionarle los instrumentos adicionales para ser capaz de llevar sus reuniones y presentaciones al siguiente nivel en el idioma inglés. ¿Y cómo lo vamos a hacer? Le daremos a los empleados estructuras de comunicación específicas que ellos pueden usar cuando tengan que contestar preguntas y manejar argumentos en contra durante reuniones y presentaciones.

Para más información sobre nuestras clases 2×1 y nuestro nuevo taller de herramientas de comunicación, por favor contacte al teléfono:  7171-4122.  

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